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Welfare / care for the elderly
Ozaki-Ai Home(OCU2, DLSU3)
(日本語) 1)インターンシップに関連する公的資料を読み込み英語で説明できるようにしておく ・阪南市の概要(人口、面積、地理的条件、主な課題、その他の特徴)
AM Orientation 9:00-10:00 Overall Orientaion (Purpose of the Tour, Progam and Shedule, Tehcinical check) 10:0011:00 Lecture: Social Strcture of Japan 11:00-12:00 Campus Tour 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time PM Pre-Camp 1 13:00-14:30 Lecture on Hannnann City (Ms. Miho Kimura) 14:30-15:00 Garouping 16:00-17:30 Welcome Event (by OCU assistant)
Pre-Camp 2 (research) * Overview information about Day Care Center * Ways of caring elder people - maintenance and strengthen of physical function - maintenance and strengthen of cognitive function - Caring mental health of eldery
Internship1 * Orientation and oerall lecture by staff * Paricipating the acivity time with users * assisting staff and supporting users
Intenship 2 AM: Lecture on Day Care Users (assisting bath time etc.) PM: Group work( Reminiscene therapy) Theme: Full Moon Festival
Mid-Camp 1 * Study on Long-term care insurance * Research on Ozaki AI Home
Day off (Guided Tour planned by OCU assistant students)
Day off
Mid-Camp 2 * Review of Internship 1 & 2 * Discuss the points to be improved * Planning recreation for eldery users
Internship 3 AM: Paricipating / assising manual work PM:Hosting Recreation Time (based on the prepared plan)
Inernship 4 AM: Interaction with Day care users PM: * Special Event "Celebration of Long Life" * Presentation of the proposal(s) * Discussin with staffs
Post-Camp: SI Report *Making SI Report
Post-Camp: SI Report *Making SI Report
(日本語) checkout
Environment, branding, local business, social business
Washi-no-Nuno(OCU2, DLSU3)
(日本語) 1)インターンシップに関連する公的資料を読み込み英語で説明できるようにしておく ・阪南市の概要(人口、面積、地理的条件、主な課題、その他の特徴)
AM Orientation 9:00-10:00 Overall Orientaion (Purpose of the Tour, Progam and Shedule, Tehcinical check) 10:0011:00 Lecture: Social Strcture of Japan 11:00-12:00 Campus Tour 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time PM Pre-Camp 1 13:00-14:30 Lecture on Hannnann City (Ms. Miho Kimura) 14:30-15:00 Garouping 16:00-17:30 Welcome Event (by OCU assistant)
Pre-Camp 2 * Mnagement of "Satoyama" counryside landscape --Forest conservation - Disaster prevention *Issues Thinning the moutain forrest - Needs for thining - Use of thined wood
Internship 1 AM: Washi no Nuno Co., Ltd. * Factory tour * Lecture by the president PM: Obesevation of the forest
Internship 2 AM: Lecture and Hearing - The office of agriculture and environmet (Osaka prefecture) - Mr. Hamagami, the authority of Hiraoka Shrine (Lunch) PM: Tour of Hiraoka Shrine and the guardian forest around it
Mid-Camp 1 AM: Review of internship * Management of forrest and thinned wood PM: Lecuture by Mr. Okuda (President of Croi D'or Co., Ltd.) * study on Marketing and Branding
Day off (Guided Tour planned by OCU assistant students)
Day off
Mid-Camp 2 AM: Inverstigate successful examples of re- branding * developing new products from traditional materials * innovating traditional products PM: Research on materials appicable for new branding
Internship 3 (Osaka City) Research of the products in the market * Local shopping street
Internship 4 (Hannan City) AM : Product Planning and Prepararion for presentation PM: Meetig with Mr. Abe (Presidento of Washi-no Nuno) * product planning * feedback from the president
Post-Camp 1: SI Report *Making SI Report
Post-Camp 2: Final Presentation AM:SI Report presentation and discussion PM:Certificate Ceremony
(日本語) checkout
Public transportation in community
City Hall; Urban development division (OCU2, DLSU3)
(日本語) 1)インターンシップに関連する公的資料を読み込み英語で説明できるようにしておく ・阪南市の概要(人口、面積、地理的条件、主な課題、その他の特徴)
AM Orientation 9:00-10:00 Overall Orientaion (Purpose of the Tour, Progam and Shedule, Tehcinical check) 10:0011:00 Lecture: Social Strcture of Japan 11:00-12:00 Campus Tour 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time PM Pre-Camp 1 13:00-14:30 Lecture on Hannnann City (Ms. Miho Kimura) 14:30-15:00 Garouping 16:00-17:30 Welcome Event (by OCU assistant)
Pre-Camp 2 * Real situation and current policy on public transportaion and private car * Examples of abolshing pubic bus services * Pros and cons of maintaining public transportation * Understanding to local community buses in Hannan city * plan for following intership (route / schedule)
Internship 1 OD survey of fixed bus route in Hannan city
Inernship 2 Simulation of using transportation in assigned cases
Mid-Camp 1 * Create a simplified English version of Public Transportation Basic Plan of Hannan City * investigation of examples of marginalized settlemet (community) * History and current status of Housing estates in Hannnan * Demgraphc distribution of the popultion, age group ... in Hannan * Reality of using private cars in relation to hte age group
Day off (Guided Tour planned by OCU assistant students)
Day off
Mid-Camp 2 * Create an optimal bus route and time table * Planning for following Internship (3) - Investigation of the reality of local housing estate - Examination of the effects of changing route / time table of the local bus
Internship 3 Investigation of the effectiveness of new route / time table
Internship 4 AM : Elaboration of the optimal bus route and time table * Additinal sruvey (if necessary) * Preparation for the proposal PM :Discussion with staff of Urban Development Division
Post-Camp: SI Report *Making SI Report
Post-Camp 2: Final Presentation AM:SI Report presentation and discussion PM:Certificate Ceremony
(日本語) checkout
Local community
City Hall; Administrative management office (OCU2, DLSU3)
(日本語) 1)インターンシップに関連する公的資料を読み込み英語で説明できるようにしておく ・阪南市の概要(人口、面積、地理的条件、主な課題、その他の特徴)
AM Orientation 9:00-10:00 Overall Orientaion (Purpose of the Tour, Progam and Shedule, Tehcinical check) 10:0011:00 Lecture: Social Strcture of Japan 11:00-12:00 Campus Tour 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time PM Pre-Camp 1 13:00-14:30 Lecture on Hannnann City (Ms. Miho Kimura) 14:30-15:00 Garouping 16:00-17:30 Welcome Event (by OCU assistant)
Pre-Camp 2 * Research on local volunteer activities * Role and/or significance of Community Salon/Cafe * Reality and current situation of comunity salon/cafe in Hannan * Make a list of questions for the hearing - for users, staffs and organizers * Make a plan for following internship
Inernship 1 AM: Social Welfare Coucil in Hannan PM: Community salon "Atago Plaza"
Inernship 1 AM: Social Welfare Coucil in Hannan PM: Community salon "Atago Plaza"
Mid-Camp 1 (Reserach Day) * Current issues on Scial Welfare in local community * Role of Social Welfare Council - Sustainability, financial resources, human resources) *Comparison of social welfare in Phillippines and Japan
Day off (Guided Tour planned by OCU assistant students)
Day off
Mid-Camp 2 * Review of Internship 1& 2 * Discuss the points to be improved * Reserch successful examples in other community * Make a Hypothesis, proposls of KPI and improvement points
Internship 3 *Visiting community salons/cafes for further investigation
Internship 4 AM: Additional research PM: *Review and Wrap up the intenship and research * Presentation the proposals * Discuss with the staff
Post-Camp: SI Report *Making SI Report
(日本語) checkout
Welfare / care for the challenged
Satsuki-en(OCU3, DLSU3)
(日本語) 1)インターンシップに関連する公的資料を読み込み英語で説明できるようにしておく ・阪南市の概要(人口、面積、地理的条件、主な課題、その他の特徴)
AM Orientation 9:00-10:00 Overall Orientaion (Purpose of the Tour, Progam and Shedule, Tehcinical check) 10:0011:00 Lecture: Social Strcture of Japan 11:00-12:00 Campus Tour 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time PM Pre-Camp 1 13:00-14:30 Lecture on Hannnann City (Ms. Miho Kimura) 14:30-15:00 Garouping 16:00-17:30 Welcome Event (by OCU assistant)
AM Orientation 9:00-10:00 Overall Orientaion (Purpose of the Tour, Progam and Shedule, Tehcinical check) 10:0011:00 Lecture: Social Strcture of Japan 11:00-12:00 Campus Tour 12:00-13:00 Lunch Time PM Pre-Camp 1 13:00-14:30 Lecture on Hannnann City (Ms. Miho Kimura) 14:30-15:00 Garouping 16:00-17:30 Welcome Event (by OCU assistant)
Internship 1 * Orientation and lecture by staff * Job-shadowing * Interactive session * Assisting useres' works
Internship 2 * (contd. from the previous day) * Observing visiting dental check-up service * Meeting with staffs
Mid-Camp 1 * Review of Internship 1 & 2 * Discuss the points to be improved * Create English version of the leaflet for users' family
Day off (Guided Tour planned by OCU assistant students)
Day off
Mid-Camp 2 * Create a plan for marketable products * Research on Satsuki-Eng * (Mission / services / financial information) * Planning for Internship 3 & 4
Intership 3 * Assisting commuting users' works * Meeting with staffs
Internship 4 AM: Review and reflection of the Internship * making a propolsal based the the obserbation PM: Paricipating interactive activity * Presentation of the proposals * Discussion with staffs
Post-Camp: SI Report *Making SI Report
Post-Camp: SI Report *Making SI Report
(日本語) checkout
4th Socially Innovative Global Classroom (Japan)
(joint training with De La Salle University, the Philippines)
September 2 - September 14, 2019
26 students - Osaka City University (11) [ including working graduate students], De La Salle University (15)
Hannan City, Osaka Prefecture


【NEW】Updated on 2020.10.21!

The video by the OCU students who participated in this COIL program has been uploaded to the official COIL You Tube channel.

Please take a look and enjoy.


【NEW】 Updated on 2020.10.14

NPS (Net Promoter Score)
NPS is a quantification of the possibility of recommending this activity to friend and colleagues.

SIGLOC 2019Summer w/ DLSU  NPS 84.0


On September 2nd,

A pre-camp 1 was held at Osaka City University following the orientation.

Mr. Nakajima’s presentation

Ms. Fuse’s presentation

Ms. Komura’s presentation

Introduction of Hannan city by Hannan city hall stuff, Miho Kimura

A photo with all participants


Next, a welcome party was held.

Introduction by De La Salle University students

A photo of all participants at the welcoming party


On  September 3rd,

Pre-camp 2 was held.

Group 1






On September 4th,

Internship with the theme of local community.

We visited the Social Welfare Council and Welfare Committee to conduct surveys and interviews.

Council of Social Welfare

Atago Plaza (Welfare Committee)

Welfare Committee members

Q&A seccion

Lunch in Hannan City

Meeting at the Social Welfare Council


On September 5th,

Internship with the theme of environment, regional promotion, local industry, branding, social business. After visiting the company that uses forest thinning materials as an internship destination, the participants went to Hiraoka Shrine to learn about forest culture and sustainability.

Arrived at Hiraoka Shrine

listening an explanation about the forests

the priest’s story

Group photo

From Hiraoka Observatory

Finally in front of the shrine


On September 6th,

Intermediate Camp 1 was held. They shared awareness through the internship, hypothesized, and carried out the latter half of the activity.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

The person in charge of Osaka City University also came.


On September 7th and 8th were holidays.

Exchanges between Osaka City Students and De La Salle students


On September 9th,

Intermediate Camp 2 was held. This is the beginning of the second half.

Presentation by each group

Professor Rika joined


On September 10th,

The internship theme is about living and public transportation.

The participants conducted a regional survey in order to propose an optimal bus route.

at Nankai Ozaki Station

Meeting with City Maintenance department employee

Group photo

Lunch in front of Ozaki station

Taking a Nankai Bus

Surveying the area


On September 11th, morning session

The internship theme was about welfare for persons with disabilities and independent working support.

We also made proposals for planning our own products.

Satsuki garden

Velcro sorting

Group photo


On September 11th, afternoon session

The internship theme was about elderly care.

The “Keijukai” event for respecting old people was held, and the students participated it.

Ozaki Ai Home


In the Japanese traditional clothes for summer “Happi”(for men) and “Yukata”(for women)

A photo with the staff


On September 12th,

A post-camp was held for preparation of tomorrow’s final debriefing session.

This is the final part of the camp.

SI report creation


On September 13th in the morning,

The final debriefing session was held.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5


On  September 14th in the morning,

The completion ceremony was held.

Group photo