My Study Abroad Experience in Japan: Report from Osaka Metropolitan University by Jonathon
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Hello! My name is Jonathon Woolford-Hunt.
I studied abroad at Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan for four months from August 19 to December 19, 2022. It was one of the best decisions of my life and I learned a lot.
I hope this report sheds light on my experience educationally socially and culturally.
Arrival – Japan First Experience
I have always wanted to come to Japan. It was a dream of mine!
When the opportunity was presented to me to come to Japan to study Japanese, I immediately said yes. I have studied abroad before and I have had the privilege to travel to lots of different places. In all my travels I have never been anywhere in Asia.
As the time for me to go on this trip came closer and closer everyday the reality became more and more clear. I did not know any Japanese prior to coming to Japan so I was jumping head first into a country where the language, culture and way of life is very different from my own.
The flight was very long but after a long journey of filling out lots of paperwork and clearing
the many COVID-19 barriers we finally landed in Japan. When I walked out the plane it all
didn’t feel real but the reality hit me on the train ride to my dorm when I was seeing the traditional Japanese homes passing by and all the Japanese signs and posters. We had just arrived and I was still trying to recover from the long flight and culture shock.
Cultural Differences
When we got to our dorms we had another cultural shock moment when we discovered we
had to furnish our dorm room. This was a very different set up to what I am used to in America.
Although it was a struggle to get used to using the trains and paying bills and buying everything we need to live within our rooms we managed to get it all done and currently Abby and I are having so much fun.
School was also a very significant difference. The way classrooms are set up and class work is conducted is very different from stereotypic American schools. This was yet another cultural shock that I did not anticipate. Although it took time once again, Abby and I got used to the way school is in Japan.
Lastly, everyday life is very different. In Japan they drive on the opposite side of the road, we walk on the other side of the walkways and certain things like being quiet on the trains were things that were significantly different then in America.
All in all I am enjoying my time in Japan. I am learning the language slowly and getting to try very good Japanese food. I am also getting to travel to great places and see lots of anime stuff like pokemon that I am a massive fan of. I wish my time in Japan was longer but I am thankful for the time I have.
Left photo: Umeda, Osaka
Right photo: Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto
Reason I Decided to Study in Japan
I have had the privilege of being able to travel all over the world. My major being Global Studies and Digital Communications puts me in a good place to be able to travel and learn a lot about cultures outside of the United States but before I even entered college I knew I wanted to come to Japan.
Growing up I watched a lot of anime as mentioned in my previous article. I loved watching Naruto, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z and a variety of other anime. So when the opportunity came to Japan to study the language and culture I jumped at it.
Left photo: Pokemon-center in Shibuya, Tokyo
Middle photo: Pokemon Card Shop in Namba, Osaka
Right photo: Mt. Fuji from a bullet train
Preparation I Did before Coming to Japan
To be completely honest when this opportunity was presented it was during COVID-19 so I was under the belief that it might not even happen. So in preparation for this trip I did not do very much. I was fully convinced that this trip would not happen.
When I got the confirmation that it was happening it was a mad dash to try and get all my documents filled out and completed so that I could enter the country.
I had done an online course with students at Osaka Metropolitan University before. So the exposure I got while doing that course was my preparation for the real life experience of doing school in Japan.
Looking back I wish I would have started to take Japanese classes before I came. Being able to speak the language is a big part of understanding the culture and although I am progressing in my knowledge of Japanese I still have a long way to go. I am so happy I have this opportunity to learn by immersion. I only wish the experience was longer because the more time I spend here the more I can experience and learn about Japan.
Left photo: Temmabashi Osaka
Middle photo: Sumiyoshi Shrine, Osaka
Right photo: Tokyo
OMU and OMU Campus, Friends, Classes
School has been a very eye opening experience. Being able to walk among other Japanese students has given me perspective on how Japanese school and American school differ. The students and friends I have made so far have been very kind. I have made a lot of friends and I am enjoying my time so far.
Left photo: At the class “Social Innovative Global Classroom (SIGLOC) – Japan”
Right photo: With my classmates at the class “Japan Studies: Language and Society”
School work is very different from the states. Even the way the teacher’s approach to learning and teaching is different than in the United States.
I am learning a lot not only through the classes but also hanging out with students. By hanging around other Japanese students you start to pick up on words and phrases and before you know it you’re starting to learn some Japanese. It also is very fun to compare differences and similarities with the students that I talk to. Another great part of going to school with Japanese students is when they invite me out to different festivals or even just to go out for lunch.
Left photo: Osaka Metropolitan University (OMU), Sugimoto campus
Right photo: The view from the roof of the library at Sugimoto campus, OMU
Within an educational context the classes I am taking are giving me a good insight into the inner workings of how Japan is functioning right now. It has given me insight into social issues that pose a threat to the stability of Japan as well as common threats that plague Japan and the United States. Being able to discuss this in a debate format with teachers and students is the most rewarding for me.
Left photo: Presentation at the class “Introduction to Japanese Culture”
Middle and right photo: Experience of Japanese kimono and a tea ceremony at the class “Japan Studies: Language and Society”
All in all the opportunity to learn through experiences like the field trips as well as conversations I have had with students and friends has been really beneficial in learning and understanding the inner workings of Japan.
About the city of Osaka
Being in a big urban place like Osaka is very different from Berrien Springs, Michigan, the place I came from. I lived in Chicago when I was much younger but have spent most of my childhood in Berrien Springs. I have had the privilege of being able to travel a lot growing up so I have been able to visit many major cities around the world.
Osaka, Tennoji, Namba, and Shinsaibashi are unique because they have the feel of a big city while still being relatively quiet during the day in comparison to New York, Chicago, or LA. Each one of the previously mentioned cities have aspects that I enjoy a lot.
Tennoji is the closest to me so I visit it quite often. It has Qs Mall which is a multilevel mall full of clothes, food, games and more. Whenever I go to Tennoji I always make sure I walk through to see if there are any sales or cool things to see. There is a little area near the top of Qs Mall that they have concerts and music groups come to perform. I always like getting Moss Burger and then sitting outside to watch the Music groups.
Another great thing about Tennoji is Tennoji park. If there is a place to hang out, meet new people and find out what’s happening, Tennoji park is that place. Nearly every weekend there is an event happening in Tennoji park. Whether it was an acapella group competition, or fall festivals, or dancing group practices there is always something to watch in Tennoji park. Farther into the park it is beautiful to take pictures and there is an assortment of restaurants to choose from. My favorite being Aioli Napoli because I previously spent a year in Italy as a student and one of the owners of the restaurant is Italian. We were able to talk a few times and I am going to miss going to this restaurant nearly every friday.
Photo: Tennoji Park, Osaka
Namba and Shinsaibashi has a great mix of fashion stores, great restaurants and great attractions such as theaters, bars, arcades, and anime stores.
When I am not in Tennoji relaxing, I am in Namba / Shinsaibashi having a great time. I have met so many amazing people and I have had so much fun eating great food and shopping for cool clothes. The thing I love doing the most in Namba / Shinsaibashi is visiting the pokemon center. I love pokemon and having one so close to where I live is a dream come true of mine.
The past few months have been some of the greatest months of my life. I have met so many great people, got to see so many new places and eat so many great new foods.
As I mentioned in my other articles it has been a dream of mine to come to Japan for many years so being able to live my dream is awesome. The experiences that I have had here in and out of school are one that I can bring back to the United States and share with others.
I have been able to visit Tennoji, Namba, Hannan City, Shinsaibashi, Kyoto, Nara, Tokyo, Shibuya and Kobe just to name a few. I have had the opportunity to work with local fishermen and farmers through the classes I took when I first got to Japan. I have been able to see the natural beauty Japan has to offer by visiting lots of shrines and parks as well as taking many trips to a variety of photogenic spots around Osaka.
Left photo: Experience with local farmers at the class “SIGLOC-JP (Social Innovative Global Classroom, Japan)”
Right photo: Experience with local fishermen at the class “SIGLOC-JP”
I have also been able to see and experience all that Japan has to offer in its cities with the beautiful lights, great food, and great people. Being a vegetarian is something that presented a challenge at first but the longer I stayed the easier it was to live and eat in Japan.
The things I will miss the most are the students I met while at OMU. Because this exchange program is only 5 months long, we had a very short time to get to know each other. Despite the limited time I have made friends that I will keep in contact with despite the fact I live halfway across the world. Because I have had such a great time while in Japan, I plan on coming back. I am graduating soon and I will be looking for opportunities to come back.
Japan is a place that holds a special place in my heart because this is my last trip abroad during undergrad. I have had so much fun and learned so much not only about the Japanese language but also the culture and the Japanese way of life.
I want to give a special thanks to all the students and staff at OMU for being so patient, kind and inviting to me and helping me have such a great time while in Japan.
Left photo: A farewell party
Right photo: The friends at OMU